Linux Commands Cheat Sheet.

Bilal K.
4 min readMay 29, 2021

I’ve been using Ubuntu as my primary operating system for more than two years now. If you are comfortable with the command line, you can learn a lot of different skills very quickly and with minimal hassle. In this blog, I have shared the list of 20 basic Linux commands that are very helpful for Ubuntu beginners in daily life. I recommend you not just copy-paste these commands, type these commands by yourself so that you can remember them in future.

Image credits: Lifewire

Before starting, here is a small tip for Linux lovers: You can check the Internet Speed via terminal just by running this command.

sudo apt install speedtest-cli

(The first command is just to install the package and doesn’t need to be run again and again)


The cd (‘change directory’) command is used to change the current directory in Linux

cd Desktop


The ls (‘list directory contents’) command shows existing files and directories in the current directory




Bilal K.

Software Engineer, I share tips and tools to help fellow developers level up.